Term Life Insurance
Life insurance can be an important step in safeguarding your family's overall financial plan.
How much do you need?
Experts recommend that you have at least ten to fifteen times your annual income in life insurance protection. If you do not think you have as much coverage as you may need, your employer’s Reliance Matrix life insurance program may be your opportunity to secure additional protection for you and your family.

I do not have any dependents.
Many people assume that if they do not have dependents, they do not need life insurance. If anyone would be affected financially by your death for any reason—including funeral expenses, hospital bills, or mortgage, student loan or credit card debts—a term life insurance policy can help cover these types of expenses. You should also consider parents or siblings who, while not your dependents, may receive financial support from you.
That will not happen to me.
Having a family changes everything. First and foremost, it forces us to plan for the future - even for events that may be inconceivable to us. While no one enjoys dwelling on harsh realities, purchasing life insurance may help decrease anxiety about your family's financial protection.

I already have life insurance.
But do you have enough? Most people are confident with their decision to purchase life insurance to help with funeral expenses, estate administration costs, debts and medical expenses not covered by health insurance. When considering these costs, it is vital to factor in expenses like your mortgage, college tuition, a spouse's retirement, and the cost of services you currently provide which may need to be paid for in your absence (such as home maintenance, tax preparation, etc.). As well as hidden expenses currently paid for by your employer (such as healthcare, retirement funds and other benefits).
Moreover, many people forget that certain life events result in an increased need for life insurance. For example, your children may be getting closer to college age, your spouse may not be working, or you may be supporting aging parents.
I do not need another monthly bill.
Then you are in luck! Your employer-sponsored plan makes it possible to pay for your coverage at affordable group rates through convenient payroll deduction. You may be able to take your coverage with you if you change jobs. In the event that you become totally disabled, your coverage may be continued with no premiums due.
Use our handy Life Insurance Calculator to see if you have enough insurance for you and your family.